Child support is essential to ensuring that children receive the financial support they need from both parents. Unfortunately, disputes between parents can arise, making it difficult to determine the appropriate amount of child support payments. In such cases, mediation can be an effective tool for resolving these disputes.

What Is Mediation?

Mediation is a process where a neutral third party, known as a mediator, facilitates communication and negotiation between two or more parties. The mediator does not make any decisions for the parties but helps them reach an agreement that is acceptable to all involved. Mediation is often used to resolve disputes in family law cases, including child support disputes.

There are many reasons to use mediation for child support disputes:

Help Parents Communicate Effectively

Communication breakdowns between parents can often be a major factor in child support disputes. Mediation provides a safe and neutral space for parents to discuss their concerns and work together to find a solution. A mediator can help parents communicate more effectively and encourage them to listen to each other’s perspectives.

More Creative and Flexible Solutions

In court, the judge must follow strict guidelines and laws when making decisions about child support. However, in mediation, parents have more flexibility to develop creative solutions that work for their unique situation. For example, parents may trade off certain expenses or agree to a payment plan that better suits their financial situation.

Less Stressful and Expensive Than Court

Going to court can be a stressful and expensive process for both parents. Mediation is often a less formal and confrontational process, which can help reduce stress levels. Additionally, because mediation is typically less time-consuming than going to court, it can be a more cost-effective option.

Preserves Relationships

Child support disputes can often strain relationships between parents, ultimately negatively affecting the children involved. Mediation can help preserve relationships by allowing parents to work together to find a mutually acceptable solution. By doing so, parents can maintain a positive relationship, benefiting their children in the process.

The Mediation Process for Child Support Disputes

The mediation process for child support disputes typically follows these steps:

  • Pre-Mediation: Before the mediation session, the mediator will typically meet with each parent separately. This allows them to discuss their concerns and goals for the mediation process.
  • Joint Session: The first mediation session involves parents and the mediator. The mediator facilitates communication between the parents. They also help them identify the issues that need to be addressed.
  • Private Sessions: Sometimes, the mediator may meet with each parent separately to discuss their concerns and potential solutions. These private sessions can help build trust and encourage each parent to share their perspective.
  • Negotiation: Once the issues have been identified and discussed, the parents will begin negotiating a solution. The mediator can facilitate the negotiation process and help the parents develop a mutually acceptable agreement.
  • Agreement: If the parents can reach an agreement, the mediator can draft a written agreement that both parents will sign. The deal will outline the terms of the child support payments and any other agreements the parents have made.
  • Implementation: Once the agreement has been signed, it becomes legally binding. The parents must follow the terms of the agreement. If either parent fails to do so, the other parent can take legal action to enforce the agreement.


Q: How long does the mediation process typically take in child support disputes?

A: The duration of mediation for child support disputes varies and is influenced by several factors. The complexity of the issues involved and the willingness of both parents to reach an agreement can impact the length of the mediation process. Mediation sessions can typically be completed within a few hours or a few sessions. However, the issues might be more complex, and there needs to be more agreement between the parents. If so, it may take longer to reach an agreement. The mediator can guide the expected duration of the process.

Q: Can mediation be used to modify an existing child support order?

A: Yes, mediation can be used to modify an existing child support order. Circumstances change, such as one parent losing their job or an increase in the child’s needs. Mediation can be used to negotiate a new child support agreement that reflects the new circumstances. The mediator can help both parents consider the available options. This can allow them to agree on a modified child support order that is acceptable to both parties.

Q: Do I need a lawyer to participate in mediation for child support disputes?

A: While having a lawyer present during mediation for child support disputes is not mandated, it can be beneficial. A lawyer can provide advice and guidance throughout the mediation process and ensure that your rights and interests are protected. Lawyers can also help prepare you for the mediation process and advocate on your behalf during the negotiation process.

Q: What happens if we cannot reach an agreement during mediation?

A: If the parents cannot reach an agreement during mediation, they may need to take the matter to court. However, the information gathered during the mediation process can be used to help inform the court’s decision. Additionally, the mediation process may have helped the parents better understand the issues at hand. They may also have narrowed down the areas of disagreement. This can make the court process less time-consuming and less costly.

Q: Can child support payments be made in non-monetary forms, such as providing childcare or paying for extracurricular activities?

A: Yes, child support payments can be made in non-monetary forms. However, both parents must agree to it, and the terms must be included in the written mediation agreement. This can include paying for school supplies or covering the cost of extracurricular activities. Ensure that any non-monetary payments are reasonable and meet the child’s needs. The mediator can help both parents consider the available options and agree on the most appropriate payment method.

Contact Stange Law Firm in Oklahoma City

If you have further questions about mediation for child support disputes, contact an experienced Oklahoma City family law attorney for more information and guidance. They can provide you with the legal advice and representation you need to protect your rights while seeking an agreeable resolution.